Mardi 16 novembre 2 16 /11 /Nov 14:54

Hello, it's awesome to see new visitors. Does my high school French help? Is clicking on the ad too annoying?

Bonjour, c'est génial de voir de nouveaux visiteurs. Mon aide de français au lycée? Est-cliquant sur l'annonce quelque chose sur le vidéo qui est très ennuyeux?

Today is all schoolgirls. I'm going back to basics.

Aujourd'hui, c'est tous les écolières (?). Je vais revenir à l'essentiel.

Do shoes ruin it for you? I think this teens boobs are worth it.

Ne chaussures ruiner pour vous? Je pense que cela seins des filles en valent la peine.

This girl has really little white socks, with big rainbow stripes.

Cette fille a vraiment peu de chaussettes blanches avec des rayures arc de ciel.

Hey the next video is on TNA flix. You can download without an account there. Anywhere else?

Hey la vidéo suivante est flix TNA. Vous pouvez télécharger sans un compte. Partout ailleurs?

This girl has some nice pink socks. We're getting away from schoolgirls a little...
Cette fille a des chaussettes belle rose. Nous nous éloignons de écolières un peu ...


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Vendredi 12 novembre 5 12 /11 /Nov 21:05

This girl is my Holy Shit Girl even though she does have socks on!

This girl rides in blue and purple striped socks.

Anna has white socks and heels with blue toes.

Here's a cutie getting fucked in the Kitchen With striped socks on.

Here's a big tit schoolgirl getting laid in white see through ankle socks.

Here's a teen dance orgy. Lots with socks, lots without.
Oh my god, these socks are fantastic. They're that zig zag check pattern. Hot.
This girl looks awesome and different. I like that. Her socks though, are just white anklets.
Hot russian bangs in pink socks, a blue skirt and a pink top.
This "reality" porn is kinda bad. The girls are hot, though. Schoolgirl outfits and white knee socks.


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Mercredi 10 novembre 3 10 /11 /Nov 21:49
Hey, everyone. You must click the ad on the video before it will let you play the video. Lame, I know.


Here's a ton of sock porn.


Here's a milf with some socks on, kinda to change it up.

And some socks underwater.

God this goth girl is hot. Wish I knew her name...

Man, this still gets me off. She takes off the sandals eventually.

This girl's striped blue socks are something else.

Guy goes straight for the ass. Whatever.

This is just vanilla sex until 2 guys come out of nowhere to cum on her. Then back to the fucking.

This girl is only barely Asian, but her socks are real enough.

Real hot striped stocking footjob.
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Samedi 6 novembre 6 06 /11 /Nov 07:04

Okay, the tnavideo ones you have to click the ad, and then just close the ad (or buy something!) and the videos will come on. 

**Edit: It looks like the ads go on every embedded video!

Those ones are totally worth it, though! It's vintage schoolgirls with all kinds of colored socks! And hats too for some reason. 

Heres some for ya. I'll work on getting the vintage schoolgirls uploaded there.



Here's some Germans doing it in German costumes. No, not those costumes! The beer hall dealies. 



And this girl doesn't have any socks, but is going in PullUpYourSocks' Holy Shit Corner. It's a place for videos that crop up every now and then that absolutely have to get posted.


I think that was a good representation of what I was going for. Holy Shit.

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Jeudi 4 novembre 4 04 /11 /Nov 18:55

Hey everybody. My blog at Blogger got nuked, so I figured I'd come over here! It's much sexier here anyways. Love it!


To start things off, here's a little vintage socks threesome action. 





These Danish girls get down in silly hats!





There are shoes in this one, but it's all around awesome.



Par Erog
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